A different take on consulting & business advisory services

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About Sevargi Consulting

 Sevargi Consulting helps businesses translate and transform challenges into opportunities. We enable change, providing the insight and expertise to manage both risks and rewards, delivering consulting services focused on supporting your business growth. 

The world is witnessing an unprecedented pace of change. Economic and market fluctuations, post pandemic uncertainty,  disruptive technology and different ways of working are creating new business challenges that require new solutions. Ours is a tailored and highly personal approach to consulting deeply founded in experience and expertise that we share to support your business to grow market share.

Sevargi Consulting is different. We have experienced everything we advise. We never engage or take on any assignment or brief that we cannot draw on previous knowledge to pride you with the solutions required to move your business forward. This is how we differentiate.

Experience the difference.

Why choose Sevargi Consulting?


We draw on 30 years of expertise working at the very highest level within the service industry building infrastructure and market share


Our advise and support is based on personal experience gained working with and leading high performing sales teams Internationally

Personal Service

You get to work with us directly benefiting from our personal experience and expertise to overcome the immediate challenges in your business

Unique Network

Over many years we have established a wide network of like minded high performing sales leaders that we rely on as trusted business partners


We position ourselves as your  trusted partner understanding we need to be fully accountable. 


Our solutions are deeply founded in 30 years of industry and personal experience.

Value creation.

Every project we undertake must offer you a measurable return on investment .

Leadership by Example

Ian Graves

Ian Graves

Founder & Owner

Invest in your talent. Coaching & Mentoring your very best people is the key to sustained business growth and success.

Ian Graves

Founder & Owner, Sevargi Consulting

Experience the Difference.
Sevargi Consulting

Partnership and a personal approach to help solve the challenges facing your business 

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