Latest Case Studies

Infrastructure & Performance Management
About Sevargi

“We recently supported a leading International recruitment business with a decade of success,  year on year growth and a strong balance sheet”

“Our brief was to support the Leadership Team with a Vision statement and clear strategic plan to take the teams and the business to the next level, measured specifically by targeting increased revenues and profitability”

“Following one to one meetings with all the key stakeholders we were able to establish a clear understanding of the challenges the leadership team and the business were facing and provide an ongoing statement of works”

“Ian has a unique ability to quickly identify the challenges and is equally quick to identify the solutions and how to support the team to execute the required change” – Client Managing Director feedback




Phone: +44 (0) 7786 103117
LinkedIn: Ian Graves

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Sevargi Consulting

Partnership and a personal approach to help solve the challenges facing your business 

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