supporting business growth & building a strong sustainable infrastrure

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Infrastructure & Market Share 

Everything starts with a strong Leadership & Management infrastructure which in turn supports your sales teams to grow market share. We help you identify the key people you have in place and the critical hires you require to move your business forward.

We firmly believe outstanding leadership and management can be enhanced through tailored coaching and mentoring programmes specifically designed to improve individual and team performance. We have had 30 years of experience working with some of the most talented and successful sales leaders Internationally and fully understand what it takes to get the very best out of your existing infrastructure. As required we are able to give you access to our extensive International talent network to support critical hiring to grow your business.

Experience the difference.

Critical Hiring – Access to our unique Network

Hiring profiles

We have established unique and personal relationships with some of the most talented sales leaders and high performers Internationally to support your critical hiring.


We support you all the way through the hiring process from identifying your need, effecting the introduction, negotiating  and closing your chosen candidate.

Hiring follow up

Our hiring support extends to help you with the onboarding, training and coaching required to ensure your critical hire delivers and executes in their new role.

Leadership by Example. Experience the difference.

 Great teams are built not just by putting a lot of talented people together. Great teams need to trust, respect and care for each other and great teams make it possible for you to become a great leader

Ian Graves

Founder & Owner, Sevargi Consulting

Experience the Difference.
Sevargi Consulting

Partnership and a personal approach to help solve the challenges facing your business 

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