EXpert & PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SErvices to support your business

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NED, Advisory & Network Programme

In today’s challenging corporate environment tailored consulting services are more important than ever in helping businesses navigate their way forward. Our NED offering is tailored to support every aspect of your business.

Whether it’s developing organisational strategy, developing growth initiatives, establishing best practice or hiring and retaining talent we can offer strong support and advice that will see you through both times of challenge and opportunity.

We provide the information and analysis your teams need to make decisions that will benefit your business in both the short and long-term. Furthermore, we can help you hire and retain the most important asset of all – your talent – by designing effective strategies and allowing you access to our network to attract the best and brightest professionals. 

select from Our FULL range of Consulting services 

Effectively Building & Maintaining Infrastructure

Talent Management & Recruitment Strategy

Performance Management & Operational Best Practice

Change Management and Succession Planning

Leadership Development & Mentoring Programmes

NED,  Advisory & Our International Network

Leadership by example. Experience the difference.



Founder, Owner & NED

No individual is perfect and no one business is perfect. Learning and development begins with honesty, values and a mutually agreed desire to create a supportive environment to facilitate personal and business growth

Ian Graves

Founder & Owner, Sevargi Consulting

Experience the Difference.
Sevargi Consulting

Partnership and a personal approach to help solve the challenges facing your business 

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