Building Infrastructure & Critical Hiring

11 May, 2023 | Ian's Blog

In my many years leading successful teams across the UK, Continental Europe and The Middle East, pretty much every meeting had a focus on critical hiring and building infrastructure.

Essentially do we have sufficient talent and resource within the business to sustain revenue growth, enhance profitability and continue to take market share.

Accountability and responsibility for critical hiring begins with Senior Leadership understanding and buying into their role in the process, simply put “Leadership by Example”.

In todays market that requires the entire Leadership Team to be on the same page relative to your employee value proposition and equally requires an ability to share your organisations short, medium and long term vision.

Everyone pulling in the same direction creates a collaborative and focused approach to hiring and attracting talent that will differentiate you competitively.

At Sevargi we support Senior Leadership Teams and Heads of Talent Acquisition identify what is required to ensure your organisation builds the infrastructure and resource required for sustained success and as importantly your longer term succession plan.

For more information do not hesitate to contact us.

Ian Graves

Founder & Owner, Sevargi Consulting