Finding the right Mentor….

10 November, 2022 | Ian's Blog

Every day is a school day, there’s no doubting that and now more than ever businesses need to provide a platform for learning and personal development.  I was incredibly fortunate throughout my long corporate career to work for an organisation that recognised the importance and benefits associated with staff development programmes.  What particularly stood out, and where I spend a lot of my time now advising L&D teams, is how a business can differentiate by having an established Mentoring programme.

So, what is Mentoring and how do you find the right Mentor?

Essentially mentoring describes the relationship you have supporting you in the workplace where typically a more tenured and experienced colleague shares knowledge and skills to advance your career.  It differs from coaching, which is equally important, in that it is a more personal longer-term arrangement designed specifically to accelerate learning.

Effective mentoring programmes are hugely beneficial relative to succession planning and play a massive part establishing a strong, dedicated and operationally focused leadership team.  Once in place they will better position your business for growth and equally provide the support your business needs through uncertainty and change.

Having personally benefited from being mentored and having subsequently gone on to have the privilege to mentoring others I’ve had first-hand experience of all the associated benefits and value add.

Sevargi can help you a build a mentoring programme to support your business growth. Call us now for a confidential discussion and consultation.

Ian Graves

Founder & Owner, Sevargi Consulting