Performance Management Focus

9 March, 2023 | Ian's Blog

With the year well and truly up and running and the markets remaining highly competitive this is the perfect opportunity to focus on the performance management aspects of your business.  Essentially an opportunity to increase your business growth, market share and profitability by placing an increased focus on efficient and effective process and procedure.

Too often we find businesses of all sizes from start-ups to established corporates distracted by strategy, goals and vision, all of which are essential but all of which need to be supported by an operational best practice driven by leadership, executed by management and embedded in the sales culture.  Engaging an external consultancy offering an “impartial set of eyes” and an “independent perspective” will accelerate your business growth.

Performance management was a personal “specialist subject” throughout my Corporate career with the emphasis on creating clear lines of accountability and responsibility throughout the leadership team relative to objective planning, daily execution of sale process, structured and documented review and importantly recognition and reward.  Whether you require performance management  support from an organisational, departmental, team or individual perspective contact us now at Sevargi Consulting to benefit from our experience and expertise.

Ian Graves

Founder & Owner, Sevargi Consulting