Planning & Preparation V’s Execution

24 March, 2022 | Ian's Blog

“The parallels between how an elite sports team and a high performing business plan, prepare and execute are worthy of some reflection.

Whilst to many it is obvious a lot more is required than just turning up, equally all the planning and preparation in the world is worth nothing without precise and focused execution.

Turn up an hour before any elite sporting event, in my case recently at Twickenham, and just take in the detailed preparation that’s taking place following what will have been a prior week of equally detailed planning both strategic and operational and most importantly tactical. Ultimately how do we assess our competition and successfully challenge and overcome them.

A business has to operate in the same way. Over the many years I spent building high performing teams across different cultures throughout Continental Europe, The Middle East and the UK, the common denominator for success was always detailed planning and preparation.

Too often businesses and business owners become too focused on the desired outcome, which whilst understandable often leads to unnecessary frustration and distraction. Taking a step back and with our support and experience we can help put in place the targeted strategic and operational planning required to prepare your business to operate at the ‘elite level’.

Sevargi Consulting are ready and waiting to help you plan, prepare and most importantly EXECUTE !

Ian Graves

Founder & Owner, Sevargi Consulting