The Role of an NED

13 October, 2022 | Ian's Blog

Since stepping out of the ‘Corporate World’ I enjoyed so much and stepping into the ‘Consulting World’ I love so such it is the role of the Non-Executive Director (NED) that gives me the most satisfaction.

Why is that?

Well, I get asked this question a lot so let me try to explain the NED role as I see it in a bit more detail because whether you are an ambitious start up, an expanding SME or even an experienced Corporate, appointing an NED will play an important role in positioning your business for growth.

HOW? Well typically an NED is appointed to support and challenge the management and leadership team in the Board Room.  From my perspective I like to provide an impartial view focussing on guidance and advice both strategic and operational.

My own ‘C – Suite’ experience helps fill the gaps for Owners in start-ups and small businesses, provides the expertise to accelerate the growth of SME’s and lends knowledge and mentoring to help navigate the many ups and downs associated with Corporate Life!

The benefits of Enhanced Strategic Planning, Operational Best Practice, Competitiveness, Network and Corporate Governance will better position and support your business.  Because let’s be honest, running any company regardless of its size is hard and provides ongoing challenges many of which you may be facing for the first time.

Appointing an NED helps you mitigate risk and saves you time and energy providing essential piece of mind knowing you have the support of an impartial Partner in the business always providing an objective view.

In summary appointing an NED will essentially help you operate the running of your business more efficiently, contribute experience to strategic decision making and add credibility to your Board and Leadership Team.

I look forward to providing you with that support and your business experiencing the difference.  For additional information and all enquiries please do not hesitate to contact me at

Ian Graves

Founder & Owner, Sevargi Consulting