My Lifestyle Journey and how I found Health & Wellness.

My Lifestyle journey started in January 2015 when I finally admitted corporate burn out and took a 3 month sabbatical to reset.  Years of planes, trains and automobiles coupled with bad diet and inconsistent exercise plus the pressures and social demands of corporate life had taken their toll.  I was mentally stressed, my immune system was broken, I was overweight and my body was riddled with inflammation.  Something had to change.

Fast forward to today I have gained a fresh perspective on the importance of health, wellness and maintaining a lifestyle dominated by the right nutritional choices and a tailored exercise programme all supported by daily supplements to balance the body.  I am a good example of the benefits 15kg lighter in body weight, lowered cholesterol and blood pressure, omega 6:3 balanced and inflammation pain free.

Sevargi Lifestyle was launched to share tailored programmes with individuals and companies to support a healthier lifestyle in your working life and work environment.

We look forward to working with you.

Experience the Difference.
Sevargi Lifestyle

Individual & Corporate Health & Wealth Programmes to enhance performance.

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