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High Impact Meetings, Experience the Difference.

by | 16 November, 2021 | Insights

How often have you been requested to attend a meeting and left the room questioning why you were invited in the first place.  Too often your time and the time of your colleagues is simply being wasted with meeting attendance being used as and considered a “badge of honour” rather than a meaningful tool to impact key decision making to move the business forward.

More focus needs to be placed on purpose, capturing knowledge, creative input, establishing buy-in and agreeing a measured follow up with a specific timeline.

Typically the most productive meetings as those that are well facilitated help those attending identify options, make decisions and come to consensus.

Every business should take time out to consider how internal meetings can be improved and how they can better impact your business growth.

"More focus needs to be placed on purpose".

Ian Graves

Founder & Owner, Sevargi Consulting

Ian Graves

Founder & Owner, Sevargi Consulting