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The Great Resignation. What happens next?

by | 30 November, 2021 | Insights

Likely if you are working closely in and around the world of recruitment you will have heard The Great Resignation being discussed and debated.  Whilst it’s bigger impact may well be currently more prevalent in the US, experience tells us typically UK, European and International businesses will likely be impacted next.

There is no doubting the period navigating Covid has allowed more time for reflection and for people to take a step back and really question the value of what they do and who they work for.  More flexibility, corporate responsibility and working environment are all high on the list of those looking for change.

This year millions in the US have taken the decision to resign which in turn has left behind significant hiring challenges for companies.

With all this in mind and turning attention closer to home now is the perfect time and opportunity to take some time discussing how this could impact YOUR business in the coming months.

" Millions have taken the decision to resign, leaving significant hiring challenges".

Ian Graves

Founder & Owner, Sevargi Consulting

Ian Graves

Founder & Owner, Sevargi Consulting